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martes, 8 de julio de 2008

The Smell of the Cigars is Intoxicating me

Parece ser que Dios eligio estas 24 horas para infernizar mi vida de todas las maneras posibles. Será que andres tiene razon y simplemente soy un iman de la mala suerte?Eso ya ni yo lo seUna herida puede limpiarse y vendarse, pero lo que se perdio duele en el corazon, porque son esas pequeñas cosas las que nos alegraban de vez en cuando, y ya nunca...

More than a storm, a perfect Storm, will be like that foreve

It really aches, It's like a part of my soul got tored. However, for the first time in my years they came out.. feelings. I didn't lost them as I thought. So for that, I am grateful. For the first time in years, I was able to write with my heart (well... most of it). I wonder if that letter will get to be read... no it doesn't matter anymore, because...

Stargazer's Kingdom

El lugar de descanso de las memorias de un espectador mas de eso que llamamos "vida"...