jueves, 24 de julio de 2008

Situation 1

Failed attempts to see Batman The Dark Knight: 1

Yesterday I finally got a chance to sleep. I was supposed to go to the doctor to get my throat examined, but I was too late to the appointment repartition. I might need surgery depending on the results, so it's not like I'm dying to go.

I also received visits yesterday. Seeing your friends is always good, the afternoon was a blast. I got to cook some Peruvian food (well, Lomito Saltado is not that big of a deal XD), we watched some videos (i hate you Caramelldansen, give Leonidas back ¬¬), and we got to find the issue with my PC (finally).

We went to the mall to see Batman, however tickets were sold out (damn thursday >_<). I hope the prediction doesn't come true, 'cause I don't want to wait until 2047 to watch it.

Anyway, that's it for today.

See ya

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